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The Critical Role of Portable Suction Units in Emergency Medical Services

Role of Portable Suction Units

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In the world of emergency medical services (EMS), airway suctioning is the critical first step in every emergency resuscitation. Whether clearing the airway of a drowning victim during CPR or performing advanced airway procedures such as intubation, reliable portable suction devices often mean the difference between life and death when seconds count.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that many first responders and military medics do not carry effective EMS suction units to the patient due to the size and weight of commercial powered devices. Existing medical suction units, built on outdated technology from the 1970s, fail to balance power and portability, forcing first responders to choose between ineffective non-powered devices or bulky powered units that don’t fit in an airway bag.

Understanding Portable Suction Devices

Portable suction devices are designed to provide critical airway management in a variety of settings, from hospitals to the back of an ambulance. These units are generally classified into two main categories: powered and non-powered (manual) devices.

Powered Portable Suction Devices


Powered portable suction devices are equipped with electric pumps that generate significant suction power. These devices are ideal for scenarios that require consistent and strong suction, such as in surgical settings or when managing severe airway obstructions. They are powered either by batteries or through AC power via a wall plug.  


The major drawback of most powered portable suction devices is their size and weight. Historically, these devices have been too bulky to fit in a standard first responder airway bag, limiting their accessibility in urgent situations. This inadequacy leaves a critical gap in care, as first responders may be forced to rely on less effective equipment until a larger powered unit can be brought to the scene.  Additionally, existing devices often have an array of tubes and caps attached to the disposable fluid canister which can be easily dislodged while moving the unit to a patient, compromising suction until the problem is identified and fixed.

Non-Powered (Manual) Portable Suction Devices


Manual portable suction devices are more portable than traditional powered portable suction devices because they do not require a power source, making them suitable for use in remote locations or field settings because they can fit into most emergency kits and bags. However, they are unable to perform the task as effectively or efficiently as powered suction devices.


The effectiveness of manual portable suction devices is limited by the user’s physical ability to generate sufficient suction and the single-use nature of the devices. This makes them less reliable in situations requiring prolonged or powerful suction and, once filled, providers may be unable to continue performing suction until a second device can be procured. They often struggle to clear large volumes or thicker secretions, which can be critical in emergency airway management. They also necessitate continuous manual pumping and repositioning, making them unsuitable for most advanced airway management tasks such as suction-assisted laryngoscopy and airway decontamination (SALAD procedures) for intubation.

The Gap in Portable Suction Solutions

The inadequacies of current portable suction devices, particularly in the EMS field, have serious implications for patient care. First responders are frequently left with an impossible choice: to attempt stabilization with an underpowered manual portable suction device or delay care until a more powerful but bulky machine can be retrieved. For patients who are unable to breathe, every second wasted can make the difference between a positive outcome or a tragic one.

AIRO Suction: Bridging the Gap

AIRO Suction has developed a solution to this problem. Our powered portable suction units are engineered to combine the best features of both powered and non-powered devices. They are compact and lightweight enough to be carried directly to the patient, yet powerful enough to handle the most demanding airway management tasks. AIRO’s innovative technology combines power and portability, making it the only powered suction device small enough to fit inside a standard first-in airway bag without sacrificing any capabilities of its competitors. At just 1.6 pounds with a similar footprint to an iPhone 15 Pro Max, AIRO is 82% lighter and 85% smaller than the market leading competitor. AIRO is also designed for compatibility with all standard disposable suction tips and tubes, allowing providers to simply replace the base suction unit without replacing existing suction accessory inventory. With AIRO, first responders no longer have to choose between portability and performance.


Portable suction units are a critical component of emergency medical care, yet many existing devices fall short in providing the necessary balance between portability and power. AIRO Suction is committed to bridging this gap, offering solutions that ensure medical responders are equipped with the tools they need to save lives when every second counts. As the demand for more effective portable suction devices grows, AIRO continues to innovate, providing healthcare professionals with the reliable, high-performance equipment they need to deliver exceptional patient care.

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Interested in learning more about AIRO Suction or placing an order? Contact us today to speak with a representative and discover how AIRO can meet your critical airway management needs.

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